Alyssa walking the plankLearning the art of floating :) Cheeese!!! Miss Bella boo stealing sis's flip flops
The girls in their new Princess sleeping bags on their 1st camping trip together!!! Sweet Daddy We had so much fun on this trip to Detroit Lake! Alyssa and Gweni Ward at swim lessons......ah sweet friends :) More pics of the gang from swim lessons!!! Swim Lessons are always so much fun!!
Visiting friends on their birthday. Happy B-day Mal! An awesome visit from Papa! The girls sure love their Papa This is our crew (Lisa, Joel, Ry, Alys, and Me)
after the annual Butte to Butte 10K on the 4th of July!!
Interesting pillows Alyssa has found........
Also please note the wonderful shirts my dear friend Lisa
hunted down and purchased for all of us they are from the
Office (Rabies Awareness) episode one of our faves!!!!Thought you might want to see this twice I love my Sis
Sweet Sisters CHeeeeeese! Bella trying to talk Alyssa out of getting married at such a young age Third place ribbon in my "age group (30-34)" hmmm.... for the Silver Falls 5k trail challenge
Ready to Roll!!! Me and Lisa just after the finish line of the JIM 5k back in May The Whole Crew!! (from left) Stacey, Lisa, Andrea, My Bro Justin, Bella,
Alyssa and Ryan! This was a fun run down in Eugene and it was for a great cause too!
I am a stay-at-home mama of 3 almost 4 beautiful little girls and a wifey to a hot hard working hubby who I completely adore. We have been married almost 9 years and they've been the greatest years of my life! I love playing with my girls when I finally take a second to relax long enough during the day, shopping, being in the sun, running, cooking/eating, and spending time whenever I can with my handsome man.