He made me promise that I wouldn't do anything for his B-day besides something simple with the kids or whatever.
So he got that but YAAAAHHH RIGHT........ I mean 30 IS A BIG DEAL RIGHT?!!!!!!! So we went out just he and I to Tepanyaki, or so he thought........
I went easy on him just inviting the fam dam tho - don'tcha think?!?! He was happily surprised and we had a lot of fun!!!!!
Love u baby so much and I'm so glad you can't give me anymore crap about being in my 30's.
Guest post by Savannah
10 years ago
ha ha i dig the mullet!
Billy Ray just called...
I think you know the rest.
haha -- love the hair -- even the little bangs up front. Good call on the big party -- 30 is a big deal. Sam did nothing for me......... I'm still waiting ;)
Happy Birthday to Ryan-- glad he joined the 30 club
Happy Birthday RY! Andrea, I love that we are both older than our men. My guy is still in his 20's. I love Tepanyaki and love that you got his fam there. So fun! Wish we lived closer.
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